Published onMarch 10, 2025Building Dashfolio - A Scalable Data Visualization Platform with React, Next.js, NestJS, and AWSnextjsreactjsnestjsawstypescriptsoftware-engineeringfullstackjestcypressDiscover how I built Dashfolio, a modern data visualization dashboard using Next.js, NestJS, AWS, Redis, PostgreSQL, Jest, Cypress, and more. A deep dive into the technical choices, architecture, and best practices behind the project.
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Published onMarch 3, 2025What is Recharts? A Quick Comparison with Similar Charting Librariesrechartschartjsd3jsapexchartsdata-visualizationreactjsfrontendweb-developmentLearn what Recharts is and how it compares to Chart.js, D3.js, and ApexCharts. A quick, clear guide to help you choose the right charting library.